



Congratulations on upgrading your career to Realtypath. We are excited to have you join our team of producing agents.

Programs and Systems for Producing Agents

Take advantage of our free and discounted programs and systems to increase your production and save time.  Watch your email for login credentials or look in RealtypathLibrary.com for discount order forms.

Free Website

We provide you with a free website with searchable MLS Listings. All you need to do is upload your bio and photo.


We provide a heavy discount on this CRM and Marketing Platform to accelerate your sales and listings.

MobilityRE APP

We provide a free Mobile App to share with your SOI and leads. Shows all active listings surrounding their car.

CORE ListingMachine

We provide automatic listing marketing including a website, 24/7 hotline, and social media posting.


Attend the LAUNCH Program and develop the confidence and habits required for a productive career. Learn the principles of operating a successful business, develop lead generation skills, become aware of sales and negotiating strategies, and understand the transaction from contract to close.

Led by Mike Morgan, Director of Education

Matt W.

The course was well thought out and we hit many different areas that I feel was well
rounded. We had guest speakers from different portions of our industry (Title, Mortgage, Home Warranty, MLS, Prospecting/marketing experts… etc) and on top of all of that; Mike is just so friendly and awesome to be around. This, in my opinion, was the best way to get my career going. I would highly recommend anyone, not just new agents, to take this course.

Casar R.

“I really like the brokers that I have worked with and all the realtors. I feel a sense of community among the realtors and brokers. They are all so helpful and knowledgeable. Whenever I am
struggling with a hard sale or tricky questions, I can always find support and knowledge from my community at RealtyPath. The CE courses and training are always so good and helpful.
Starting from the receptionist – Amber Duran – she is a great happy face of RealtyPath. You can feel that you are in a great place.”

Jennifer K.

I was lucky enough to participate in the Launch course designed to set up a new agent for success. Mike’s expert knowledge and passion for the industry clearly shows  in how he presents the information as well as his ability to create hands-on learning via “field trips” and practical application. During my first transaction, the knowledge provided me through the Launch Class gave me so much confidence. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from a seasoned professional.